Prime Therapeutics


Manages pharmacy benefits for health plans, employers and government programs, including Medicare and Medicaid. It also processes claims and delivers medicine to members, offering clinical services for people with complex medical conditions.





Org chart

Mostafa Kamal
President & Chief Executive Officer

Mostafa Kamal

Erin Feigal
Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Jarrod Henshaw
Senior Vice President, Chief Innovation and Supply Chain Officer
David Schlett
EVP, Chief Client Relationship and Administrative Officer
Joe Costa
Vice President, Client Financial Strategy
William Karolski
Vice President & General Manager – Commercial Health Plan Markets
Nathan Downhour
SVP - Health Care Services
Jillian Lucas
Svp, Process And Program Excellence
Jennifer Johnson
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer
Tizgel High
Chief Compliance Officer
Dinesh Kandanchatha
Chief Information Officer
Kenneth Bodmer
Chief Financial Officer
Linda Smith
Senior Vice President And Chief Of Staff
Jim Fallon
Product Owner, Principal
Caryn Hansen
Solution Product Owner Principal
Komla Ayite
Director, Product Solutions
Carrie Stotka
Senior Director Product Value And Governance
Lindsay Freese
Principal User Experience Designer
Brooke Disanto
Product Innovative Manager
Tom Kunau
Senior Principal, Experience Design