Proto Hologram


Proto Hologram is the INVENTOR, global creator, leading provider, and most exciting developer of the holobox hardware and software that makes hologram broadcast and communication a reality. With well over 100 Proto units permanently deployed globally, and with a growing live events, production, and... Read more

Org chart

David Nussbaum
Founder, CEO

David Nussbaum

Edward Ginis
Chief Technology Officer
Tate Hilmoe
Chief Legal Officer
Doug Barry
Chief Operating Officer
Don McClain
Director Of Technical Services at Proto
Jocelyn Harper
Live Events Manager
Mindie B.
Executive Assistant
Nicolas S.
Production Manager
Rachel Newstat
Head of People and Talent
Rich Twistol
Vice President of Sales
Steven Hammersly
CFO, Board Member
Tess Morgulis
Director of Procurement and Inventory Planning
Mac Delaney
Investor, Proto