Peter J. Morgan

Professor Peter Morgan is the Director of the Rowett Institute (RI) at the University of Aberdeen. As Director and CEO of the Rowett Research Institute (RRI), he led the merger of RRI with the University of Aberdeen to create RI in 2008.

A key part of this was the development of a new £40 million Rowett Institute incorporating a state of the art human nutrition research facility on the University’s Medical School Campus, which he spearheaded and which was opened in April 2016.

As Director, he is responsible for the strategic direction of the Rowett Institute, part of which involves delivery of a strategic grant funded by Scottish Government worth ca £8 million per annum. This involved overseeing research across a wide spectrum of nutrition, including obesity, metabolic and gut health and life-course nutrition. Between 2008 and 2014 he served as a Vice-Principal at the University of Aberdeen, where he was involved in the strategic management of the University, particularly in relation to research and the Research Excellence Framework.

His personal research interests are in the neurobiology of energy balance as well biological rhythms. More recently this has been expanded to include gut microbiome-brain interactions. His research has been funded through grants from BBSRC, MRC and though strategic alliances with industry (pharma) and from Scottish Government and this has produced recognised impact. He is, or has been, a member of numerous scientific committees and working groups focus on research and policy related to nutrition, diet and health in Scotland and across the UK and Europe, including with BBSRC and MRC. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2002.