Chantal Bélanger

Director at Quebecor

Chantal Bélanger is a corporate director.

Employed by Laurentian Bank from 1986 to 2006, she held various positions, including that of Senior Vice-President, Personal Services for Quebec. She was also the Bank's ombudsman and director of internal audit and IT.

Ms. Bélanger was a director, vice-chair of the board, chair of the audit committee and of the portfolio evaluation committee and member of the governance and human resources committee of Capital régional et coopératif Desjardins from 2012 to 2019. She also has was a director and member of various committees of the board of directors of Ovivo inc. from 2011 to 2016, the year of its privatization. She was a director and chair of the audit committee of the Régie des Rentes du Québec from 2009 to 2015, director of the Institute of Corporate Directors from 2009 to 2013, director, chair of the audit committee and member of several committees. the Société des Alcools du Québec from 2002 to 2010.

Since 2014, Ms. Bélanger has been a director and chair of the audit committee of Société de services financiers fonds FMOQ inc. She is also a director, chair of the audit committee, member of the human resources and compensation committee and member of the corporate governance committee of Industries Lassonde inc. In addition, Ms. Bélanger is a director of Quebecor Média inc. and Videotron ltée and member of the audit and risk management committee of Quebecor inc., Quebecor Media inc. and Videotron ltée.

Ms. Bélanger is a fellow member of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Quebec (FPCA, FCGA) and holds a certification in corporate governance from the College of Corporate Directors of Laval University. She is also a Certified Corporate Director (ASC). Ms. Bélanger has been chair of the CAS board of directors since September 2017 and has served on this board since 2016.