Leadership Team


Rackmount.IT has a leadership team with a wide range of experience in different industries. Business Unit Director at Axians NL, Managing Director at SecureLayers, Sales Manager at Fox-IT, and Account Manager at Newcom Information Systems are some of the positions held by the team members. They also have experience as a Stagiair at Extendure - Creative Business, Stagiair & Blockchain Intern at Synple, and Founder at Proceipt. Furthermore, the team has a variety of educational backgrounds including Avans University of Applied Sciences, Business Informatics; Avans University of Applied Sciences, Business Innovation; ROC Tilburg, N&G; Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven, Bedrijfskunde; and Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Spaanse Taal en Cultuur (Spanish language and culture).

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