RattanIndia Finance Private Limited

1 follower

RattanIndia Finance Private Limited is a non-deposit-taking systemically important NBFC registered with RBI. The committed investment in the NBFC is Rs 2,600 cr which will make RattanIndia Finance among the top 10 NBFC’s in India based on the currently estimated capitalization. The company is promo... Read more


New Delhi, IN




Org chart

Rajiv Rattan
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Rajiv Rattan

Kinshuk Agarwal
Chief Credit & Collections Officer
Sameer Darji
Chief Financial Officer
Namita .
HR Manager
Rakesh Shigwan
Area Sales Manager
Hemant Singh Chouhan
Deputy Manager
Lokesh Gursey
Senior Executive
Gaurav Kushwaha
Duty Manager
Tariq Ali
Senior Operations Executive