

Recom is designed to fit like a glove—we develop expertly tailored solutions to help premium brands accelerate on Amazon. We go beyond the standard, one-size-fits-all approach by digging into the details to shape the right Amazon strategy for each brand. Drawing upon our real-world Amazon knowledge... Read more

Org chart

Rob Norden

Heather Raines' profile picture
Heather Raines
Avp, Creative
Eric Frier's profile picture
Eric Frier
Chief Financial Officer
Mitchell Bailey's profile picture
Mitchell Bailey
Divisional Chief Operating Officer
Brian Weisberg's profile picture
Brian Weisberg
Svp, Enterprise Analytics
Alan M. Cardero's profile picture
Alan M. Cardero
Senior Vice President Of Technology
Klim Kavall's profile picture
Klim Kavall
Svp, Digital Marketing
Gabriel Rotman
Senior Vice President, Product Management
Johnathan Vaughan
Manager | Brand Growth
Lauren Reilly
Director, Brand Growth & Strategy