Luis Palomo Martín

Director of Administration & Finance at

Luis Palomo has a degree in Economics and Business Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and a degree in the General Management Program from the IESE Business School. He has almost 30 years of experience in the business sector of the General State Administration.

He has worked for the last nine years at as deputy director of Administration and Finance. He is an expert in budget management and community funds, as well as in the implementation of management improvement processes, areas of compliance and management control and reporting.

He has also been a technician and deputy director of Administration and Resources of the Telecommunications Market Commission, head of the Companies service in the General Subdirectorate of Companies and Participations, director of the Budgetary Program in the General Secretariat of State Assets and head of the the Delegated Intervention of the INEM, among others.

He currently also works as a professor of Business Economics and Business Project at the Santa Ana and San Rafael Vocational Training Center in Madrid, and is a member of the Executive Commission of the CENTAC Foundation.
