Reputation Rhino


Reputation Rhino is a leading Online Reputation Management company based in New York City. Our mission is simple: Help you look your very best online. We understand Your Reputation Is Everything. We will help you, Control it, Manage it, Improve it and Protect it. Whether you're an individual try... Read more




Org chart


Dave Fulk

Dave Fulk

Saul Cooper
Sales Director
Amanda McKeen
Operations Manager
Kristopher Jackson
Head, A.I. & Innovation
Rex Shaefer
Client Success Manager
Doniela Grant
Client Success Manager
April Kirk
Billing Coordinator

Behind the scenes


Relentlessly WOW the Client

Be fanatic about response times Listen on Purpose, with empathy, and without judgment. Always work to over-deliver

Value Teamwork

Celebrate our successes, own our failures, and learn from both Be Creative, Collaborative and Open-Minded Fast is better than slow.

Be Passionate

Never settle for mediocrity Do the right thing even when no one is looking Focus on the right solutions to the problem

Take Initiative

Challenge the status quo Work toward getting just 1% better every day Keep trying, keep failing, and keep moving forward