Resonate Global Mission


Resonate Global Mission is here to equip the Christian Reformed Church to reach out and join God in what He is doing around the world—so that the good news of Jesus Christ goes out in every direction like an expanding, amplifying sound. Together with you, we train missional leaders, guide new churc... Read more





Org chart

Kevin DeRaaf
Director of Resonate Global Mission

Kevin DeRaaf

Moses Chung
Director Of Program And Strategy
Beth Fellinger
Eastern Canada Regional Mission Leader
Marco Avila
Eastern USA Regional Mission Leader
Michael Ribbens
East & Southern Africa Regional Mission Leader
Mike Van Der Dyke
West & Central Africa Interim Regional Mission Leader
Steve Holtrop
Central America Regional Mission Leader
Steve Van Zanen
Europe Regional Mission Leader
Tim Sheridan
Church Planting Leader
James Vanderlaan
Director Of Mission Advancement