The Animation and VFX Team at Rhythm & Hues is responsible for creating stunning visual effects and animation for a variety of projects, including Hollywood feature films, commercials, and themed entertainment attractions. This talented group of professionals, including animators, visual effects artists, compositors, and technical directors, collaborates to bring imaginative concepts to life, ensuring each production meets the highest standards of visual storytelling and technical excellence.
Beth Sleven
Lead Animator
Carolyn Ee
James Guilford
Man Louk Chin
Technical Animator
Mark Hopper
Roto Artist
Matt Fuller
Match Mover
Shih-Hao Jason Huang
Modeling Lead
Sumit Bhardwaj
Digital Paint & Rotoscope Arti...
Tiffany Schmitter
Look Development Coordinator
Yogesh Kaushal
Technical Director - 3d Animat...
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