Ruchir Sharma

Chairman, Rockefeller International at Rockefeller Capital Management

Ruchir Sharma is Chairman of Rockefeller International. He is a member of the Firm’s Management Committee.

In this role, Ruchir serves as an advisor to the firm, a resource to our Rockefeller Global Family Office advisors and clients, and as a global brand ambassador for our international activities.

Prior to joining the firm, he worked for 25 years at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, most recently as Head of Emerging Markets and Chief Global Strategist. He was responsible for managing nearly $20 billion in assets – while achieving stature as a popular market and economic commentator in the print and broadcast media, including a current bi-weekly column for The Financial Times. He is also a prolific author of best-selling books, including “The 10 Rules of Successful Nations,” “The Rise and Fall of Nations,” and “Breakout Nations.”

He augments his research and writing on emerging markets with extensive travels to developing countries. In 2016, Barron’s Ruchir on its cover as “Wall Street’s New Global Thinker,” and he has been included in the World Economic Forum’s “Top Young Leaders” list and Bloomberg’s global “50 Most Influential People.”

Ruchir's other interests include a serious passion for running. He represented India in the 2011 World Masters Athletic championship in Sacramento and continues to train for the 100- and 200-meter sprints, regardless of where he is on the road. He considers running a factor in the discipline he brings to investing.

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