Kevin Westfall

Director at RumbleOn

Kevin Westfall is the current director at RumbleOn. Kevin has held various prestigious positions at different companies throughout their career. Kevin Westfall co-founded and was the CEO of Vroom from January 2011 to December 2016. Kevin was also the Senior Vice President of Sales at AutoNation from January 1997 to December 2011. Kevin Westfall has been in the automotive industry for over 40 years. Kevin started their career at BMW Financial Services as the Founder and President from January 1990 to December 1997. Kevin then went on to be the President of World Automotive Imports & Leasing from January 1980 to December 1987. Kevin Westfall's experience and expertise in the automotive industry makes him a valuable asset to RumbleOn.

Kevin Westfall graduated from The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business with a BSBA in Accounting.


  • Director

    Current role