The Parts & Service Team at Rush Truck Centres of Canada is tasked with ensuring the optimal performance and upkeep of heavy- and medium-duty trucks and trailers. This team coordinates parts acquisition, sales, and distribution, manages maintenance and repair operations, and provides exceptional customer service to meet the needs of fleet operators. By leveraging expertise from skilled technicians, sales representatives, and service coordinators, they maintain a high standard of quality and efficiency in both parts supply and service delivery, ensuring customers receive comprehensive support throughout Ontario.
Ankit Tripathi
Idealease Maintenance Coordina...
Dean Luttrell
Regional Service Manager
Gregory Sansome
Parts Tech
Jim Laughlin
Outside Parts Sales Representa...
John Axford
Parts Specialist
Mike Oster
Parts Counterperson
Nuno Dacosta
Parts Specialist
Ray Umney
Parts Manager
Richard Ermacora
Parts Technician
Sukhraj Bajwa
Outside Parts Sales Representa...
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