Rick Kingston

President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs at SafetyCall

Dr. Kingston is President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs and co-founder of SafetyCall International. Dr. Kingston brings 30 years professional experience to SafetyCall International in the areas of clinical toxicology and pharmacology, poison control, product post-market surveillance, and drug and dietary supplement safety. Previously, Dr. Kingston also co-branded and served as Vice President of the PROSAR International Poison Center, as well as co-founded and served as the former Director of the Minnesota Regional Poison Center and Hazard Information Services. He has 23 years of critical care toxicology experience gained from practice in a University affiliated Level One Trauma Center. He holds a joint academic appointment with the University of Minnesota at the rank of Clinical Professor within the College of Pharmacy. Dr. Kingston completed his Bachelor of Sciences in Pharmacy degree at the University of New Mexico, his Doctorate in Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota, and a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in clinical toxicology and pharmacokinetics at St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center and the University of Minnesota. In his academic capacity he serves in multiple areas related to his practice focus of “clinical toxicology and product safety.”
