Saint Francis Ministries


Our mission is to provide healing and hope to children and families. It's as simple as that. How we accomplish that mission is not so simple. It takes dedicated professionals, volunteers, donors, community partners, and lots of prayer to successfully minister to the thousands of persons Saint Franci... Read more





Org chart

William J. Clark's profile picture
William J. Clark
President & CEO
Profile photo

William J. Clark

Lora Winchell's profile picture
Lora Winchell
Chief Operating Officer
Amanda Pfannenstiel's profile picture
Amanda Pfannenstiel
Chief Clinical Officer
Andrew O’connor's profile picture
Andrew O’connor
Executive Officer for Mission and Ministry
John Thurston's profile picture
John Thurston
General Counsel
John McDowell's profile picture
John McDowell
VP, Information Systems
Matt Stephens
VP, Advocacy
Tracy Hervey
VP, Human Resources
Nicole McCauley
VP, Prevention
Darrin Sewell
VP, Residential & Outpatient
Becky Bennett
VP, System Improvement
Rachel Williams-Ehue
VP, TX Permanency
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