SANeForce - Sales Force Automation | Pharma CRM | SAN CLM | FMCG SFA

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With SANeForce - A Pharma CRM, also known as MR Reporting Software streamline your business with top-notch revolutionary technology to boost your business's growth. Our plethora of software products are across the following areas: Sales Force Automation, Distribution Management System (DMS), Payrol... Read more


Chennai, IN




Org chart

Arjun Durai RajaSankar
Managing Director

Arjun Durai RajaSankar

Arunraj's profile picture
Manager - Market Research & Lead Generation
K Venkatakrishnan Krishnamoorthy's profile picture
K Venkatakrishnan Krishnamoorthy
Deputy General Manager
Sivaneswaran. V's profile picture
Sivaneswaran. V
Business Development Manager
Nafeeza Zahira
Digital Marketing
Vichu Shaji's profile picture
Vichu Shaji
Sr. Manager Sales And Marketing - International Business
Yasmin Yusuf's profile picture
Yasmin Yusuf
Technical Support Engineer
Prasad K S's profile picture
Prasad K S
DGM Commercial & HR
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