
1 follower

In an accelerated world with increasing complexity, managing data at massive scale requires an elevated sense of design and orchestration. Scality has built a storage and data management ecosystem to protect and propel our customers into the digital age.




Org chart

Jérome Lecat's profile picture
Jérome Lecat
Co-Founder & CEO
Profile photo

Jérome Lecat

Peter Brennan's profile picture
Peter Brennan
Chief Revenue Officer
Paul Speciale's profile picture
Paul Speciale
Chief Marketing Officer
Erwan Girard's profile picture
Erwan Girard
Chief Product Officer
Vincent Breuil
Group Chief Financial Officer
Jules Caron's profile picture
Jules Caron
Chief of Staff
Wally MacDermid
VP, Strategic Alliances
Eric Leblanc
Gm, Artesca & Channel Chief - 2024 CRN Channel Chief
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