

Supporting over 2 million members, we help you save hundreds of dollars on flights. We find cheap international & domestic US flight deals daily, so you never overpay on flights again. Unlike automated flight alerts and “deals” sent out by way of affiliate links, we leverage innovative software and... Read more




Org chart

Brian Kidwell's profile picture
Brian Kidwell
Co-Founder & CEO
Profile photo

Brian Kidwell

Derek Cann's profile picture
Derek Cann
VP Marketing
Megan Bianco's profile picture
Megan Bianco
VP Operations
Addam Hardy's profile picture
Addam Hardy
VP Engineering
David Krell
VP Product
Scott Keyes' profile picture
Scott Keyes
Founder & Chief Flight Expert

Behind the scenes


Be human

We encourage questions, discourage groupthink, and value each other’s and our members’ humanity.

Do more with less

We encourage resourcefulness and creativity when solving problems and delivering value to our members.

Continually Improve

We find ways to improve each and every day, no matter how small the improvement.

Take ownership

We value a bias for taking action and delivering commitments and we have trust in our teammates to do so.

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