Second Heart Assist Inc.


Second Heart is developing a minimally invasive circulatory support platform based on proprietary aortic stent pump technology. The platform will be deployed using low-profile catheter-based techniques and will provide either temporary or chronic circulatory support, depending on the specific needs... Read more

Org chart

Howard J. Leonhardt

Jeff Donofrio
Leslie Miller
Chief Medical Officer
Alex Richardson
Chief Technology Officer & VP, Engineering & Product Development
Mark Cunningham
Chief Advisor Cardio, Thoracic Surgery
Dinesh Patel
Chief Advisor Business Development
Larry Stevens
Chief FDA Regulatory Affairs Consultant
Sheryl Melancon
Investor Relations, Regulatory Affairs Bioengineer
Ben Boytor
Chief Advisor, Quality Management Systems
Brian Hardy
Director of Marketing, Website Development
Allen Turner
Chief Patent Counsel, Trask Britt
Bruce Methven
Assistant to the President
Natalie Tinnirello
Executive Assistant

Board & advisors

Patrick Griffith
Senior Advisor, CardioThoracic Surgery
Mark Libratore
Board Director
Robyn Thornburgh
Board Advisor & Candidate Board Director