Teresa Walker

Quality Team Manager & Head of Quality & Regulatory Affairs at Servatus Biopharmaceuticals

Teresa joined Servatus in 2020 and brings over 20 years’ pharmaceutical manufacturing experience in quality control, quality assurance, and regulatory affairs. She has a 1st class (hons) degree in Chemistry (BSc) from the University of Nottingham, UK, and in 2001 moved to Australia to take a position at Mayne Pharma, where she developed and validated scientific methodology for injectable oncology and oncology support drugs such as antibiotics and opioid pain relief pharmaceuticals. She then went on to lead a team of senior scientists in R&D method development and validation at Sigma Healthcare, before joining the Quality Assurance team at TSI Pharmaceuticals, and finally Medifarm Pty. As Quality Manager at Medifarm, Teresa was instrumental in obtaining one of the first Office of Drug Control licenses in the country for the production of medicinal cannabis. She is highly experienced in establishing pharmaceutical quality management systems and regulatory licensing for new and emerging biotechnology/pharmaceutical industries. She is also highly experienced in managing import/export licencing compliance, quality risk management and product registrations for pharmaceutical products.
