Executive Team


The top management does everything else.

Meet the team

Fun facts


I've volunteered at Goodshepherd for 6 years, traveled to 47 different cities and I am a certified car and motorcycle technician.

How would you describe your strengths?


Problem solver, Leadership, and a good storyteller.

How do you like to receive feedback?


Love to receive feedback, good or bad.

How do you like to run meetings?


Get prepared before the meeting, short stand-up meetings come out solutions fast. We don't have time to waste as a startup company.

If you didn't have this job, what would you be doing instead?


Fixing cars and chilled.

When are you most productive during the day?


Mostly afternoon after a short power nap.

What part of your job gives you most energy?


Help my teammates be successful.

What do people misunderstand about you?


They think I'm a well-rounded businessman, however, I start my career as an OS architect.

What is your favourite quote?


Treat every day as my last day, period.

Can you describe a typical day of yours?


Meeting, Assigning tasks, Check tasks, and Meeting.

How we work

Our purpose

Make everybody happy.

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