

Sodrugestvo is an international agro-industrial group. Sodrugestvo owns a state-of-the-art port infrastructure and cargo transshipment facilities that provide access to countries and regions with limited access to the global markets. Sodrugestvo is currently the largest oilseed crusher. Through... Read more

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Regis Lemes' profile picture
Regis Lemes
Latam CEO
Profile photo

Regis Lemes

Vladyslav I. Demchyk
Deputy Managing Director, Commerce & Trading
Darya Panarina's profile picture
Darya Panarina
Head Of Commodity Risk Management Division
Dmitrii Prokopiuk's profile picture
Dmitrii Prokopiuk
Acting Head Of Legal - Regions
Igor Nerush
Head Of Legal Department
Mariela Mareco's profile picture
Mariela Mareco
Logistics And Execution Manager
Veronika Tumanova
Leading Financial Manager
Cloves Alves
Zehra K.
Director Of Finance
Alexander Chumakov
Director For Corporate Finance & Treasury
Eugeny Kreindel
Agri Business Intelligence
Rodrigo Totoli
Legal & Compliance Director Latam