Ray Kaplan

Senior Associate Dean at St. George's University

Dr. Kaplan is a Professor in the Department of Pathobiology, a Senior Research Fellow at WINDREF, and Senior Associate Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine. His research program is focused on measuring, understanding, and solving problems of drug resistance in helminth parasites. To address these issues, his research utilizes a combination of clinical, applied and genetic/genomic approaches. His current research projects include determining the genomic loci involved with anthelmintic resistance, determining the prevalence, distribution, and molecular epidemiology of drug resistance in canine hookworms, the sequencing and high-quality assembly of the canine hookworm genome, and new anthelmintic drug discovery. He also has a strong interest in the epidemiology and control of helminth parasites of animals in the tropics.


  • Senior Associate Dean

    Current role