Strider Technologies


Strider develops tools that deliver valuable insights to enterprises that enhance their long-term competitiveness, including the ability to combat economic espionage threats beyond the cyber domain. Strider’s technology illuminates previously unseen risks and integrates seamlessly into existing corp... Read more




Org chart

Greg L.
CEO & Co-Founder

Greg L.

Brent Meacham
Vice President Of Global Marketing, Head Of Marketing
Clarence von Ahn
Senior Director
Cooper J. Wimmer
Executive Vice President
Dennis Murphy
Executive Vice President
Devin Gagon
Director, Demand Generation
Jared Skinner
IT Manager
John Mullen
Executive Vice President
Eric Levesque
Co-Founder & COO
Michael Brown
Co-founder & CDO
Spencer Morris, MBA
Vice President & Head of Product
Sabrina Jennings
Senior Director
Adam Lysenko
Director, Intelligence
Bethany Mould
Senior Accountant