Stumpp Schuele & Somappa

1 follower

The "Number 1" quality spring maker in india, Stumpp, Schuele & Somappa has 10 manufacturing plants capable of producing more than 4,000 varieties of springs. SSS is the largest quality spring

maker for the Automotive, Aerospace & Defence and various other industries in India and other Countries



Bengaluru, India




Org chart

Satish Machani
Chairman & MD

Satish Machani

Shanker Narayan
Group Chief Finance Officer
Anil Machani
Senior Vice President
Ashok Kumar Nayak
Vice President
Ganesh Kamath
Vice President
NK Ramesh
Vice President
Rohit Tophkhane
Vice President
Thirumal Palle
Vice President
Umesh Arora
Senior General Manager
Lakshman Kumar
Senior General Manager
HR Srivatsa
General Manager
Mn Uma
General Manager
Sudhakar MacHani
Vice President Operations