

A clever tagline but what does it really mean? First of all, it means that they really are a company of educators. Fully one-half of all their employees have spent significant portions of their careers as either classroom teachers, diagnosticians, therapists, school psychologists, administrators, or... Read more




Org chart

Matt Strazza's profile picture
Matt Strazza
President & Chief Executive Officer
Jasmine Hartman's profile picture
Jasmine Hartman
Sales Operations Manager
Christy Clark's profile picture
Christy Clark
Account Executive
Frances Garcia's profile picture
Frances Garcia
Account Executive
Karen Hale's profile picture
Karen Hale
Account Representative
Sarah Perez's profile picture
Sarah Perez
Account Executive
Taylor Hejl's profile picture
Taylor Hejl
Account Representative
Damaris Moore's profile picture
Damaris Moore
Technical Support Specialist
Dena Simonek
Technical Support Specialist
Qudsia Maqbool
Staff Accountant
Wendy Stanley
Relationship Manager
Shanda Kelso
Relationship Manager
Maria Acosta
Relationship Manager
Stephanie Marullo
Relationship Manager
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