Techniche, IIT Guwahati


Techniche is the annual techno-management festival of IIT Guwahati, the largest fest of its kind in the North-East. The event, conducted solely by the student fraternity of IIT Guwahati, holds the accolade of being India's first Techno-Management Festival to be held in a Virtual Mode, in 2020, due t... Read more



Guwahati, India




Org chart

Chandan Nale
Head Of Design
Ashwin Raj Sarmah
Corporate Associate
Aman Gupta
Marketing Executive
Ishank Tambi
Marketing Executive
Ishika Bohra
Core Team Web Operations
Deeshant Singh
Marketing Executive
Dhruv Garg
Marketing Executive
Mohit Singh
Marketing Executive
Rimjhim Dewan
Marketing Core Team
Rohit Pawar
Marketing Executive
Utkarsh Kumar Yadav
Marketing Executive
Vishakha Chaudhary
Marketing Executive
Ayush Lohia
Marketing Executive
Pratyush Singh
Branding Executive
Sanskriti Verma
Corporate Relations And Marketing Core Team Lead
Krashna Iitg
PR And Branding Organizer