The Art and Animation Team at Technicolor Games is responsible for creating visually stunning and immersive worlds within video games. This team of talented artists and animators utilizes cutting-edge VFX, animation, and gaming technologies to design characters, environments, and special effects that bring interactive experiences to life. By collaborating closely with leading game developers, they ensure each project is executed with exceptional creativity and technical precision.
Alankrit Mathur
Senior Lighting Artist
Arindam Samanta
Team Lead
Arvind Srivastava
Senior 3d Animator
Ayan Das
Senior Animator
Pankaj Sabale
Paramjeet Singh Pada...
3d Artist
Prashant Dewangan
Principal Animator
Priyansha Verma
Animation Artist
Ramesh Chandra
Principal Fx Artist
Shaswat Tripathi
Senior Real Time Vfx Artist
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