Leadership Team


The leadership team at TensorIoT has a wide range of experience in many different industries. They have worked as Associate Directors, Component Design Engineers, Hardware Engineers, Digital Design Engineers, Business Development Managers, Product Owners, Product Managers, Mobile Programs Coordinators, Social Media Managers, PR/Advertising Interns, Director of Operations/Marketing Manager/Tax Preparers, Head of Product & Cloud Alliances, Director of Solutions Engineering, Senior Regional Manager of Sales Engineering, Manager of Solution Architectures, Chief Executive Officers, Chief Operating Officers, Senior Vice Presidents of Products, Vice Presidents of Product Management, IoT Platform Architects, Senior Consultants, Solutions Architects, and Senior Sales Engineers. They have also received education from many different institutions such as Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, UCLA, California State University Fullerton, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Colegio Indoamericano S.C., Schulich School of Business - York University, King's University College and Tongji University.

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