Mathis Beillevaire currently holds the position of Responsable du Service Commande Publique mutualisé at Terres de Montaigu since October 2022 and has been the Responsable de la commande publique for the Communauté de communes Montaigu-Rocheservière since September 2014. Mathis possesses extensive knowledge of public procurement regulations and practices, including the ordinance and decree on public markets and the MOP law. Prior experience includes a six-month legal internship in the "Affaires juridiques et marchés publics" service at the Communauté de communes Erdres et Gesvres in 2014. Academic qualifications include a Master 2 in Droit public et Administration from Nantes Université, along with a Master 1 and a Licence de droit, all obtained from the same institution, complemented by a Baccalauréat in Economie et Social from Lycée Nicolas Appert.