John Oh

Founder & Director of Curriculum & Education at Testive

What is now his full-time job began as a part-time job while John was studying to be a screenwriter at Columbia University. Recruited by his friend, John was one of the five founders of A-List Education. When John was presented with the opportunity to build a better mousetrap, he was more than ready. Before he started A-List, John was already familiar with the test-preparation industry, having worked as either a director, teacher, or writer for several test-preparation companies.

Over the years John has taught many students (several thousands and still going strong) and many tests. His approach to preparation is simple: it’s a sport—so you train, physically and mentally. There is a season. There will be wins and losses and, of course, a championship.

Over the years John has also sustained quite a few injuries since he still actively trains in Muay Thai and powerlifting. His wife chides him on why he still cares so much about his switchkick or deadlift. “I just do. It’s not rational.” That is what he believes is the secret of his most successful students: they want it for no other reason other than just to have it. He often likes to recount an anecdote about a student from one of his classes a few years ago. That student already had a 1540 on the SAT on the first day of class.


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