The American Legion, Department of Florida



The Florida American Legion Website

Org chart

Jerry Brandt

Jerry Brandt

Michael Raymond
1st Vice Commander
Chris Hamrick
2nd Vice Commander
Jessica Moore
3rd Vice Commander
Bobbi Halle
Finance Director
Bekki Tibbs
Programs Director
Jennifer Cooper
Fundraising Director
Carrie Kolze
Creative Services Manager
David Pleasanton
Judge Advocate
Les Martin
Sergeant at Arms
Bruce E. Comer
Department Adjutant
Lois Stachelrodt
Emblem Sales & Receptionist
Raymond Olsen
Program Chair, National Security
Edward Lewis
Program Chair, Social Media
Lena Heredia-Perez
Resolutions Vice Chair
Bud Boyer
Youth Law Cadet Chair
Eunice Butts
Children & Youth Fund Chair
Jamie Grinis
Blood Donation Chair
Jim Burk
Homeless Veterans Vice Chair
Bruce Carl
Membership Chair
Rick Johnson
Children & Youth Chair
Kurt Gies
Americanism Chair
Chuck Rousseau
SAL Advisory Chair
Clarence Hill
Resolutions Chair
Rico Thomas
FL National Cemeteries Chair
Daryl Bass
Law & Order Chair
Judy Casey
Women Veterans Vice Chair
Bob Bober
Time & Place Vice Chair
Scooby Reaves
School Medals Chair
Tom Burns
Credentials Vice Chair
Rick Cabrera
Sea Cadet Chair
Denny Luke
Joan Suelter
Women Veterans Chair
Rachel Castleberry
Executive Assistant