The Daily Item


The Daily Item is a seven-daily daily newspaper and online operation serving four-county region in Central Pennsylvania. Our online edition, dailyitem,com, has an audience of about 20,000 per day. We have over 18,000 Facebook followers. The Daily Item is owned by CNHI - headquartered in Mont... Read more

Org chart

Lori Seebold
Advertising Director
Brad Baylor
Sales Manager
Alex McGinley
Sports Reporter
Anna Wiest
Chad Barrett
Mailroom Clerk
Chelsea Ritter
Paginator/copy Editor
Dan Angell
Sports Writer
Eric Scicchitano
News Reporter
Kay L.
Column Contributer
Lisa Zubowicz Leighton
Freelance Writer, Inside PA Magazine And Newspaper Features
Maria Paula Villacreses
Executive Accountant