Eyad Elyan

Ambassador at The Data Lab

Dr. Elyan obtained his PhD from the University of Bradford in 2008. He is currently a Reader (Associate Professor) in Machine Learning at the School of Computing Science and Digital Media at Robert Gordon University and he is leading the Machine Learning and Vision Applications research group.

His research in the area of machine learning and machine vision is primarily focused on creating novel methods to represent and extract knowledge from unstructured and complex documents and images and structured data and applying it to solve industrial problems. He has attracted funds to support his research from different public funding bodies including Innovate UK, the Data Lab Innovation Centre, and Oil and Gas Innovation Centre (OGIC), Historic Environment Scotland and Others. Eyad is leading several projects with industrial partners across different domains including Oil and Gas, Construction, Sports Science, and Health.

Elyan is a Fellow member of the British Higher Education Academy. He served as a Program Committee member for several international conferences and as a reviewer for several international journals in the area of machine vision, machine learning and data analytics and he has published more than 50 articles in the area of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Generative Adversarial Neural Network and Ensemble Learning.