Cath Hogan

Deputy Head of Junior School, Teaching & Learning at The Hutchins School

Ms Cath Hogan was appointed to the role of Deputy Head of Junior School – Teaching and Learning in 2020 after heading up the John Bednall Centre for Excellence from 1995–2000 and then again from 2016–2019.

Cath has worked in Queensland, Zimbabwe, London and more recently for seven years in Hong Kong heading up Learning Support and Gifted Education. Cath has been a regular presenter at national conferences with Hawker Brownlow and now Solution Tree with her most recent presentation earlier this year at the Marzano Research Summit in Brisbane.

Cath is a certified training associate for Professional Learning Communities, possesses a high level of understanding of Robert Marzano’s work in Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum and Academic Vocabulary; this combined with her experience in gifted and talented and learning support enables Cath to provide strong supportive leadership as we strive to build collaborative learning communities for the enhancement of teaching and learning.