The Sports and Fitness Instructors team at The Paseo Club is dedicated to promoting health and wellness through a variety of engaging programs and classes. They provide expert instruction in tennis, pickleball, Pilates, and group exercises while coordinating social events that foster community and enhance the member experience. This team ensures that all members, from children to adults, receive personalized attention and support in their fitness journeys.
Amanda Billmore
Instructor, Event Coordinator
Bridgette Barajas
Kids Club Director
Meet Jen
General Manager, Instructor
Melanie Vovk
Group Exercise Manager, Fitnes...
Proyfon Lohaphaisan
Tennis Coach
René Heger
Tennis Director, Uspta Certifi...
Sarah Graff
Pilates Instructor
Tara Russell
Social Director At The Paseo C...
Tyler Shaffer
Pickleball Director, Instructo...