Sophia, Texas-born and raised, first saw the incredible world of possibility in cinematic animation after playing Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. After graduating from the animation program at Savannah College of Art & Design, she jumped into a variety of 2D and 3D animation jobs in commercials and games before landing at THE THIRD FLOOR in 2016. With a strong sense of cinematography and a level-headed attitude, she rapidly embraced the world of previs/postvis and was propelled to the supervisor position after 3 years of deep immersion in the film world. Between being flown out to Atlanta to work on set as a previs artist, taking a 6-month long directing masterclass at THE THIRD FLOOR, helping organize a class on the 12 film languages with story master Bart Gavigan, and running a company film shoot as AD, her combined experiences give her a well-rounded appreciation of the film-making process. Her credits include blockbuster hits like Deadpool 2, Captain Marvel, and Avengers: Endgame.
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