Peter Ackroyd

Advisor, Northwest at The Trust for Public Land

Peter Ackroyd is an avid supporter of non-profit environmental organizations who recently retired from the Board of Puget Soundkeeper Alliance after 10 years of service. He has also served as Chair of the American Alpine Club International Conservation Committee where he spearheaded a successful funding proposal for the Everest Alpine Conservation and Restoration Project in Nepal to restore the high alpine ecosystems in the Khumbu.

Peter Ackroyd grew up in Africa and completed his schooling and college education in England in Construction Economics and Project Management. He worked for a major construction company and in private practice. In 1974, he moved to Canada and opened an office for an international Construction Management company in Edmonton, Alberta and then an office in Seattle. In 1981, he started his own company introducing and marketing a new approach to cost management on projects here in the US and overseas and is now retired. Peter’s interests include, hiking, mountaineering, photography, travel and spending time in the outdoors.