The University of Wollongong


In less than 50 years, UOW has become a benchmark for Australia’s new generation of universities; dynamic, innovative and prominent in national and international rankings for the quality of our teaching and research.




Org chart

Patricia Davidson's profile picture
Patricia Davidson
Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Profile photo

Patricia Davidson

Marisa Mastroiann's profile picture
Marisa Mastroiann
CEO, UOW Global Enterprises
Alex Frino's profile picture
Alex Frino
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Innovation, Enterprise & External Relations
Theo Farrell's profile picture
Theo Farrell
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic & Student Life
David Currow's profile picture
David Currow
Deputy Vice-Chancellor & VP, Research & Sustainable Futures
Mohamed Salem's profile picture
Mohamed Salem
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Middle East & North Africa
Louise Hickman's profile picture
Louise Hickman
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Health, Sydney Campuses
Sean Brawley
Deputy Vice-Chancellor & VP, Strategy & Assurance
Colin Picker
Executive Dean, Faculty of Business & Law
Sue Bennett
Executive Dean, Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities
Gursel Alici
Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Information Sciences
Eileen Mclaughlin
Executive Dean, Faculty of Science, Medicine & Health
Adam Malouf
COO & VP, Operations
Paul Di Pietro
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Industry & Engagement
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