
1 follower

Tidepool offers a game-based technology that enables users to decode personality traits, emotions, and short-term cognitive processes.




Org chart

Howard Look
Founder, President & CEO

Howard Look

John Lister
Chief Operating Officer
Rayhan Lal
Chief Medical Advisor
Kurt Taylor
General Counsel & Secretary
Tapani Otala
VP, Engineering
Kelly Watson
VP, Product & User Experience
Izzy Goodwin
VP, Fund Development
Melissa Maniscalco
VP, Marketing
Brandon Arbiter
VP, Business Development & Strategic Partnerships
Janet Kramschuster
VP, People & Finance
Kristin Lange
VP, Sales
Christopher Snider
Community & Clinic Success Manager
Pete Schwamb
Tidepool Loop Technical Lead
Todd Kazakov
Tidepool Platform Technical Lead