Tokyo Electron Device Ltd


TOKYO ELECTRON DEVICE LIMITED is a company mainly engaged in the sale of semiconductor electronic parts. The Company has two business segments. The Semiconductors and Electronic Devices segment sells micro processors, memory integrated circuits (ICs) such as flash memories, custom ICs, general purpo... Read more

Org chart

Atsushi Tokushige

Masami Hasegawa
Senior Executive Vice President
Yukio Saeki
Senior Executive Vice President
Akihiro Kamikogawa
Executive Vice President
Toshikazu Mishina
Executive Vice President
Kazuki Shinoda
Senior Vice President
Kenji Dohi
Vice President
Tadashi Koyama
Vice President
Tatsushi Yasumura
Vice President
Yasuo Hatsumi
Vice President
Yoshinao Jozen
Vice President
Takeshi Yuasa
Vice President
Takayoshi Miyamoto
Vice President
Jun Ninomiya
Vice President
Tetsuo Tsuneishi
Corporate Director