Ryan A. Malek

Department Manager Environmental Resources, Raleigh at Tower Engineering Professionals

Ryan Malek attended college at North Carolina State University where he began in the field of engineering. His passion for the environment prompted a shift to the College of Natural Resources - Department of Forestry where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Technology. During his time there, he worked as an intern in Wilmington, NC for the Nature Conservancy doing field research on rare, threatened, and endangered species in the Green Swamp Nature Preserve.

In January 2009, he joined TEP in the environmental division and spent time cross-training in the civil and inspections divisions learning AutoCAD and climbing towers. In 2011, Ryan relocated to Denver, CO to help propagate the western expansion of the environmental division gain experience, develop relationships with clients, and complete fieldwork throughout the western US and Canada.

In 2016, he was promoted to Environmental Division Manager and currently operates out of TEP’s headquarters in Raleigh, NC. TEP’s environmental division includes an experienced team of individuals that help their clients navigate the multifaceted and ever-evolving world of environmental compliance and due diligence.


Raleigh, United States

