TR Fastenings Limited

1 follower

TR has 31 locations within the UK, Asia, Europe and the USA including, eight high volume, high-quality manufacturing sites. These sites produce over 33% of the product sold and distributed by TR to over 60 countries worldwide.





Org chart

Scott Mac Meekin
Interim CEO

Scott Mac Meekin

Darren Hayes-Powell
Chief Financial Officer
Giovanni Cespedes
President, TR Falcon Fastening Solutions
Andy Nuttall
Managing Director, Europe
Endy Chin
Managing Director, Asia
Claire Balmforth
Independent Non-executive Director
Dan Baldock
Operations & Supply Chain Director
Jo Devlin
Head Of Business Intel
Laura Whyte
Independent Non-executive Director
Nicholas Mills
Non-executive Director
Sven Brehler
Director Of Innovation & Engineering
Litza Alvarenga
NA HR Director