Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)


TBN is the world’s largest and most-watched faith and family broadcaster. With more than 30 global networks and streaming platforms, TBN reaches more than 175 nations with inspirational programming 24 hours a day in 14 languages. As the world's most influential non-profit broadcaster, TBN has led th... Read more

Org chart

Matt Crouch

Matt Crouch

Joan Doan
Senior Vice President Of Marketing & Communications
Shayna Smith
VP Distribution And Content Licensing
Ben Lunsford
Chief Engineer
Charles Flowers
Chief Engineer
Dale Osborn
Chief Engineer
Walt Howard
TBN Chief Engineer WMCF Montgomery, WTJP Birmingham Alabama
Mati Shoshani
Director Of Operations, Israel
Brian Gandy
Senior Audio - Dallas
Mendy Morgan
VP Of Finance
Chad Reynolds
Stage & Television Security