VinZero U.S. CAD

1 follower

U.S. CAD is a BIM technology and industry consultant and is one of the largest Autodesk Authorized Platinum Reseller Partners in the US. They specialize in understanding their customers and helping them integrate BIM, sustainable design and digital prototyping technologies within their organizations... Read more




Org chart

Daniel Counts' profile picture
Daniel Counts
USA CEO & EVP Of AMER (americas)
Profile photo

Daniel Counts

Chris Keck, P.E.'s profile picture
Chris Keck, P.E.
Executive VP, Business Operations at U.S. CAD
Darren Boihem, CM-BIM's profile picture
Darren Boihem, CM-BIM
Vice President, BIM Services
Dawn Bridges
Vice President of Professional Services
Heather Baugh's profile picture
Heather Baugh
Vice Presient Of Finance And Human Resources
Ian Cooperrider's profile picture
Ian Cooperrider
Vice President - Bluebeam Division
Nathan Lamont's profile picture
Nathan Lamont
Vice President of Sales
Aaron Wagner
Senior Director, ACC