United Nations Office at Geneva


Housed at the Palais des Nations, the United Nations Office at Geneva serves as the representative office of the Secretary-General at Geneva. A focal point for multilateral diplomacy, UN Geneva services more than 8,000 meetings every year, making it one of the busiest conference centres in the world... Read more





Org chart

Tatiana Valovaya

Tatiana Valovaya

Philippe Baudin-Auliac
Chief of Political Affairs & Partnerships
David John McCuaig
Project Director, Strategic Heritage Plan
Carolyne Mélanie Régimbal
Chief of Service of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs’ Geneva Office
Sergey A. Shaposhnikov
Chief of Protocol
Liam Drumgoole
Chief of the Security & Safety Service, UNOG
Aziyade Poltier-Mutal
Head of the Perception Change Project
Alessandra Vellucci
Director, United Nations Information Service
Francesco Pisano
Director, United Nations Library & Archives Geneva
Kira Kruglikova
Director, Division Of Administration
Özge Aydoğan
Director of the Beyond Lab, Office of the Director-General
Rima Al Chikh
Director, Division of Conference Management
Michael Schoiswohl
Senior Legal Adviser & Director of the International Law Seminar