Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

1 follower

The University, based on pedagogical and technological thought, and due to its public and national character, has as its mission the transformation and development of Colombian society, through the integral formation of the human being, in which ethical values, values of culture and the benefits of... Read more


Boyaca, Colombia




Org chart

Enrique Vera López

Carlos Mauricio Moreno Téllez
Vicerrectoría De Investigación Y Extensión
Luis Ángel Lara González
Vicerrectoría Administrativa Y Financiera
Diego Cardenas
Docente DE Posgrado
Gustavo Vera Novoa
Profesor Universitario
Ivonne Yiseth Fonseca Morales
Docente Catedrático
Fabio Blanco-Mesa
Director Escuela De Posgrados FCEA