Upper One Games


At Upper One Games, THEY weave timeless, living stories into dynamic, engaging and fun games that encourage discovery and exploration.





Org chart

Amy Fredeen
Lead Cultural Ambassador, Cultural Insights

Amy Fredeen

Brower Frantz
Cultural Insights
Cordellia Kellie
Cultural Insights
Dora Tugli Morry
Translation, Cultural Insights
Edith Tagarook
Cultural Insights
Faye Nusunginya
Cultural Insights
Ishmael Angaluuk Hope
Cultural Insights
Jeff Kinneeveauk
Cultural Insights
John Aŋŋaaq Hugo
Translation, Cultural Insights
Kumu Lynette Cruz
Cultural Insights
Leo Kinneeveauk
Cultural Insights
Marchie Nageak
Cultural Insights
Marilyn Itta
Cultural Insights
Minnie Gray
Cultural Insights, Storytelling
Qaiyaan Harcharek
Cultural Insights
Sheldon Jackson
Translation, Voice Over, Cultural Insights
Tadataka Nagai
Cultural Insights, Storytelling
Tommy Nageak
Cultural Insights
Tupou Pulu
Cultural Insights, Storytelling
Anna Nageak
Translation, Cultural Insights
Chris Danner
Cultural Insights
Christopher Danner
Cultural Insights
Jana Harcharek
Cultural Insights
Fannie Akpik
Cultural Insights
Hugh Thomas
Cultural Insights, Storytelling
Lillian Nageak
Cultural Insights
Aggie Kellie
Cultural Insights
Lawrence D. Kaplan
Cultural Insights, Storytelling