Sameer D. Hemmady

Senior Director, Advanced Concepts at Verus Research

Dr. Sameer Hemmady is a Member of and the Senior Director of Advanced Concepts at Verus Research (formerly XL Scientific, LLC). He is a nationally recognized subject matter expert with over 20 years’ experience in the planning, design, implementation, and technical assessment of unconventional electronic warfare and advanced directed energy weaponized systems. He has served as a program manager and principal investigator on Department of Defense programs pertaining to directed energy effects, collaborative cyber effects, intentional electromagnetic interference and compatibility (EMI/EMC), electronic warfare, phased array radar systems, counter-improvised explosive device technologies, optic beam transport systems, lasers, and wireless and satellite communications systems, overseeing a cumulative portfolio of over $40 million.

Dr. Hemmady is also a research professor in the Applied Electromagnetics group and the Cognitive Radio group of the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico. At UNM, he serves as the Co-Chair of the $6 million Air Force Center of Excellence for Electronics in Extreme Electromagnetic Environments. His research interests include high power electromagnetic (HPEM) effects on electronic systems, wireless power harvesting, low-observable and reconfigurable antenna systems, cognitive software-defined-radio systems, and spectrum exploitation. Dr. Hemmady has authored one book on statistical electromagnetism, over 100 journal papers, conference proceedings, and technical reports covering applied research in diverse topics such as wave propagation, statistical electromagnetism, EMI/EMC, and quantum-electronics. He holds U.S. patents on chaos-based wave-imaging and reconfigurable, low-observable, photo-conducting antennas.

In 2020, Dr. Hemmady was recognized as a “Fellow” in HPEM by the SUMMA Foundation for his research contributions in advancing the state of the art in predicting HPEM effects in airborne electronic systems. In 2011, Dr. Hemmady was awarded the “IEEE Outstanding Young Engineer Award” for his research in electro-optic reconfigurable antenna systems. In 2010, he was presented the “Certificate of Recognition” by the Office of Naval Research for his contribution to the field of counter-directed energy weapons technology. In 2007, Dr. Hemmady and Dr. Steven Anlage (University of Maryland) were presented the runner-up award for “Invention of the Year” by the Maryland Office of Technology Commercialization for their invention — “Wave-Fingerprinting” — which leveraged quantum-chaos to detect malicious tampering of shipping containers in support of the Department of Homeland Security. As a graduate student at the University of Maryland in 2006, Sameer Hemmady was presented the “Graduate Student in Nonlinear and Statistical Physics” award by the American Physical Society for the impact of his research to statistical and nonlinear physics.